Monday, March 29, 2010

A simple BDD “framework”

Last month I held a WPF presentation at work where I created a ViewModel class doing TDD. This got a little buzz because of the way I integrated BDD concepts in the tests. I have since then recieved a few question about how I actually did it. Let’s first have a look at what I did:
namespace Specifications_for_customer_search
    public class When_user_searches_for_customers : ScenarioBase
        private RhinoAutoMocker<CustomerSearchViewModel> _mocks;
        private List<Customer> _customers;
        private string _customerName;

        public override void Given()
            _mocks = new RhinoAutoMocker<CustomerSearchViewModel>();
            _customerName = "goran";
            _customers = new List<Customer> { new Customer(_customerName) };
            _mocks.Get<ICustomerRepository>().Stub(me => me.FindCustomerByName(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Return(_customers);

        public override void When()

        public void should_query_customer_repository_for_matching_customers()
            _mocks.Get<ICustomerRepository>().AssertWasCalled(me => me.FindCustomerByName(_customerName));

        public void should_list_customers_found()
            Assert.That(_mocks.ClassUnderTest.Customers, Is.EqualTo(_customers));
This was all done by using the base class from my previous post and renaming Arrange and Assert to Given and When. In this example I used NUnit, so I inherited from NUnit’s test attributes:
public class ThenAttribute : TestAttribute{}
public class ScenarioAttribute : TestFixtureAttribute { }
That was all. Happy testing! :)